Hamilton County Genealogical Society
P.O. Box 15865
Cincinnati, Ohio 45215-0865
Telephone:  (513) 956-7078

HCGS Facebook  

A chapter of the
Ohio Genealogical Society

Submitting Your Surnames

If you are a member of Hamilton County Genealogical Society (HCGS), you can submit your surnames to our research database and share them with other HCGS members and the public.
Here is a condensed description of the procedure: 
  1.       In the Members Arealogin with your personal login and password.
  2.       In the Members Area, click on Profile.
  3.       Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and click the Surnames tab.
  4.       Click on the  icon and add your surname to the database with the additional information.
  5.       Repeat the process for additional surnames. Save your additions to the list.
Submitting Your Surnames This downloadable document contains detailed directions on how to submit surnames and share with other HCGS members. You can print the document or save it to your computer.
You must be a member of HCGS to submit surnames to the list. Not a member? Become a member and take advantage of this and other benefits of membership.
page modified: 2022-11-11 RTB