Hamilton County Genealogical Society
P.O. Box 15865
Cincinnati, Ohio 45215-0865
Telephone:  (513) 956-7078

HCGS Facebook  

A chapter of the
Ohio Genealogical Society
What's New
  • Major database addition (2024 June 20): 112,000+ Church Deaths Index records from 1811-1889 have been added to the existing 1890s index records for a new total of 146,000+ 19th Century Church Deaths Index records. The full index is available online to HCGS members while an abbreviated index is available to the public.
  • Consider joining the HCGS Board! There are four positions that we need to fill. If you reside in the area and are interested in contributing your time and energy to supporting and growing our society, we hope you will consider one of these important positions on the HCGS Board of Directors. Click HERE for details on the positions.​​​
  • The June 2024 issue of The Tracer, our award winning journal, is available on our website in the Members Area
  • The All-Name Indexes of the member applications of our four Lineage Societies (First Families, Settlers & Builders, Century Families, Civil War Veterans) have been updated as of the end of 2023.
  • The five veterans burials indexes of the Book Cover of Hamilton County, Ohio, Children's Records, 1984-1919and fatalities projects have been updated. The updated burial indexes are: Pre-Civil War veterans, Civil War veterans, Service 1865 - 1917 veterans, World War I veterans, and World War II and Later veterans.
Check out our videos!
Member Access
Members may login to access their membership profile, contribute to the Discussions forum and Surname list, and search our members-only databases
Non-member Access
Non-members also benefit from the HCGS public databases, the research guides in Local Records and Records Repositories, and much more. Not a member? Become a member today for as low as $20.
Stay informed
Stay informed about Hamilton County research by reading HCGS publications, The Tracer and The Gazette. Follow HCGS on Facebook.
page modified 2024-06-20 RTB