Hamilton County Genealogical Society
P.O. Box 15865
Cincinnati, Ohio 45215-0865
Telephone:  (513) 956-7078

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Ohio Genealogical Society
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Children's Homes and Courthouse Fire Records
Saturday, September 28
Children's Homes and Courthouse Fire Records
11:00 am to 1:30 pm
Online Zoom Webinar
HCGS double header webinar - two presentations.  There will be a brief intermission between the presentations.
“Using Records from Children’s Homes in Your Research“
Presenter: Jeff Herbert
Jeff Herbert is a long-time member of the HCGS Board of Directors. He recently published Hamilton County, Ohio Children's Records: The Children's Home, 1864-1919, an index of over 45,000 children who were residents of the Children’s Home, and Hamilton County, Ohio Children’s Records: Six Orphan Asylums, 1829–1919, with an additional 17,700 children indexed.
Jeff will discuss the various reasons that children were placed in public institutions, many temporarily, and how researchers can use these detailed records to find ancestors and learn about the circumstances of their lives.
“Hamilton County Court Records: Loss and Recovery”
Presenter: Jason Alexander
Jason Alexander is the Director of Central Services Division, Hamilton County Clerk of Courts. He will provide an overview of the history of the various courthouse structures and the riot and fire of 1884, with its devastating loss of Hamilton County Court records. Jason will discuss what records were lost, what were saved, and recently uncovered records.
Registration is required Here is the link to the Zoom registration form:
Registrants will receive an email from Zoom upon registering containing a personalized link to the webinar and the passcode.  One day prior to the webinar, attendees will receive a reminder email from Zoom, again containing their personalized webinar link and passcode.  You do not have to be a member of HCGS to register for and attend this webinar.
In preparation, attendees can watch a nine-minute video on the history of the six courthouses in Hamilton County and background on the 1884 riot. There are excellent visuals and some commentary from Hamilto County Officials. View the video at